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Graduates with average 10 in baccalaureate exam awarded in Chisinau

18:33 | 05.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, July 5 /MOLDPRES/- Graduates who obtained an average 10 in the national baccalaureate exam were awarded today in Chisinau. They received honorary diplomas from President Maia Sandu, who urged young people to choose to continue their studies in our country's universities and contribute to Moldova's development.

Maia Sandu said "the grade 10 in the baccalaureate exam is an extraordinary result", and congratulated the graduates, teachers and parents. 

The president urged the graduates to continue their studies in Moldovan universities and after their graduation, to contribute to the development of our country.

Minister of Education and Research Dan Perciun said that the graduates who got an average of 10 in the baccalaureate are an example for the entire education system. "Out of 18 thousand baccalaureat candidates, we have only 57 students who managed to achieve the performance that means 0.3%. I imagine it was not easy to achieve this performance. Your hard work is a good example of school-student-parent collaboration", said Dan Perciun, who urged the graduates to choose our country's universities to continue their studies.

The 2024 baccalaureate session was held from June 4 to June 21 and 18,054 candidates were admitted.










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