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Moldovan journalist launches book at National Library

17:55 | 12.03.2024 Category: Culture

Chisinau, 12 March /MOLDPRES/ - A publicistic and documentary novel, Prutul trece prin Chișinău (Prut Passes through Chisinau ) by journalist, writer, publicist and historian Gheorghe Marzencu was launched at National Library of Moldova (BNRM) today. The event was organized by the host institution, in partnership with the Alexandru Mosanu Historians’ Association from Moldova and the Union of Professional Journalists of Romania.       

Contacted by MOLDPRES, Gheorghe Marzencu said that the novel’s subject was unfolding out on a time interval of about 80 years, starting from the root of a reference page of the history of the Romanians, June 1941. Among the personages of the work, there are representatives of the political establishment, intellectuals, civic activists, ordinary people, contemporaries. Through temporal transpositions, the author evokes also personages from the past, by approaching the future.    

According to a Romanian writer, PhD in theology, the author of the book’s foreword Andrei Dirlau, this novel is just as a true story. ‘’This is an exceptional book, which makes a history of the Romanian nation, with a symbol title - Prut Passes through Chisinau. It is about a symbolical, unseen, immaterial and subtle  Prut,’’ Andrei Dirlau said.

The volume has 208 pages and was published in a number of 250 copies.   





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