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Moldovan Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office opens criminal file to investigate presumed action of corrupting people holding public offices

17:29 | 13.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 13 June /MOLDPRES/ - The Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office (PA) has a opened criminal file for the investigation of a presumed illegal action of active corrupting of people holding public offices.  The file was initiated following the consideration of information got from the analysis of a mobile phone and other evidence in the card of a trial.   

On 30 April 2024, PA initiated a criminal trial on the circumstances of an alleged illegal action which showed itself through active corruption. Against a sum of money, more people who worked in the judicial system, the one of prosecutor’s office and the Bar would have provided assistance to private people for diverse activities.   

„Following the investigations, decision-makers found out that, during 2013-2014, private people tried to attract people holding public office, including judges, of the Superior Council of Magistracy, Supreme Court of Justice and Constitutional Court, in illegal activities, in order to favour the interest of the crime ring to the detriment of a fair justice. Sums of at least 3,000 dollars, directly or through intermediaries, were provided and given, in order to prompt these officials to act or not to act while exercising their duties,’’ PA said.      

The institution stresses that this criminal file was opened on deed and at present, no person has procedural status.

We remind that, in a letter sent to judges, prosecutors and the civil society, written in the media on 14 May this year, the PA head, Veronica Dragalin, said that a member of the pre-vetting and vetting commissions, Tatiana Raducanu, ‘’is close and acted in the interests of Veaceslav Platon and Aureliu Colenco, the current principal lawyer who represents the interests of Ilan Shor.’’    

Dragalin noted that the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office had got the information from a mobile phone which contained hundreds of messages from a discussion between Veaceslav Platon and Aureliu Colenco, in which judge Tatiana Raducanu was regarded.  

Shortly after the appearance of the letter of PA’s head in the media, Tatiana Raducanu resigned from the positions held in the vetting commissions. The magistrate turned down the charges, noting that she had to resign, in order ‘’not to endanger the vetting process.’’   


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