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Negotiations on EU accession launched in Luxembourg // Moldovan PM says country has to resist to hybrid threats of Kremlin

23:26 | 25.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 25 June /MOLDPRES/ - We must be prepared for Moldova to become European and our citizens to feel Europeans till 2030. Prime Minister Dorin Recean has made statements to this effect following the finishing of the Moldova-EU intergovernmental conference. ‘’The negotiations started today represent a technical and complex process, which have the fundamental goal to coordinate the policies of Moldova and the European Union for the improvement of our citizens’ living standards,’’ PM Dorin Recean stressed.    

The official noted that each chapter of negotiation closed would mean visible results, correct and predictable laws, efficient institutions. ‘’The intergovernmental conferences, the negotiations of chapters, the discussions between our institutions and the European ones represent a normality which we have expected for a long time – not only to dream about the free world, but also to be part of it. President Maia Sandu set an objective which is, at the first sight, too much ambitious – to be prepared for accession till 2030.  Really, we have to cover a complex way, a time trial during which we must resist to the hybrid threats of the kremlin, to maintain the democracies in conditions of continuous attempts of destabilization and to modernize the country, at the same time. We know that this road is long; yet, it is the only one for Moldova. Our citizens have always chosen the peace, democracy and freedom. Two years ago, when the Kremlin started an inhuman war in the neighbour country, we everybody realized once again that only the accession to the European Union gives a chance to live in peace and well-being at home,’’ Dorin Recean said.          

The prime minister said that Moldova can rely on the huge assistance provided by the European Union. At the same time, the official said that Moldova’s accession to EU meant a new member which contributes to the peace, security and prosperity from the entire region of the south-eastern Europe.

„Moldova comes also with its own contribution to a more united, more resilient and stronger Europe. The negotiations started today, a technical and complex process, have the fundamental goal to coordinate the policies of Moldova and the European Union for improving the living standards of our citizens. Each chapter of negotiation closed will mean visible results. Moldova’s priority is the enhancement of the economic resilience and competitiveness. We are set to achieve the as quick as possible integration of our economy into the single European market, in order to increase the exports, to develop and generate economic growth. We will make efforts in order to integrate into the single market, which will bring direct advantages for the citizens and companies from our country,’’ Dorin Recean said.      

The PM referred also to the justice reform. He noted that not only the accession to the European Union depended on this chapter, but it is also the basic condition in the creation of a just society in Moldova, where all people are equal before the law.      

„Our fight for an honest independent justice system, which efficiently combats corruption, will continue, in order to successfully close this chapter of negotiation. We will make this effort, so that the citizens feel the supremacy of law. We want a future in EU. In next autumn, the will of the people’s will confirm this desideratum. The European Union can help us quicker become a strong, independent country, where the peace and prosperity are guaranteed. Till 2030, we must be prepared, so that Moldova becomes European and all our citizens feel Europeans. We will be prepared for that moment to be part of the great European family,’’ Dorin Recean said.     

The head of the Belgian diplomacy, Hadja Lahbib, and European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi participated in the news conference held following the intergovernmental meeting. They emphasized that the today’s event represented an important step both for Moldova and for EU.  

„The process of negotiations will bring multiple benefits for Moldova’s citizens and the EU countries will provide every needed support to this end. The reforms will continue, in order to advance in the process of accession to the European Union,’’ Hadja Lahbib said.  

European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi assured that the progress in the process of accession to EU would continue and Moldova would be member of EU. ‘’We will continue the close cooperation. This stage will bring prosperity both to the citizens of Moldova and the ones of the European Union,’’ the official specified.   

The negotiations on Moldova’s accession to the European Union were officially launched at an intergovernmental conference in Luxembourg today. The country’s delegation is led by Prime Minister Dorin Recean.










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