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Foreign ministry issued travel alert to Lebanon, Middle East region

11:45 | 28.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 28 June /MOLDPRES/- Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) today issued a travel alert to Lebanon and the Middle East region in connection with the escalating security situation in the Middle East, in particular in Lebanon and Israel.

In this context, the ministry reminds Moldovan citizens who are in, transit through or intend to travel to Lebanon about the existence of security risks to the integrity of citizens, with the recommendation to avoid any travel.

"The Ministry advises fellow citizens to carefully follow official news and information provided by the authorities, including the MAE and the diplomatic representation in Tel Aviv. These sources can provide updates on the situation in the area and possible additional security measures. The MAE encourages citizens to be responsible and cautious, to prioritize personal safety, to follow the instructions and rules imposed by the authorities and to avoid voluntary exposure to undue risks. Citizens are also advised to maintain contact with the Israeli embassy," the MAE said.

For further information and consular assistance, people can contact the Call Center at the following telephone numbers: 0 80 090 990 or +373 22 23 23 20 20 02.

Citizens can also contact the Embassy of the Republic of Moldova in the State of Israel. Location: Leonardo Da Vinci 21, Tel Aviv, Israel. Phone: +972 3-523-2000,, Messages can also be sent by e-mail to



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