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Moldova-EU Intergovernmental Conference // European Officials reaffirm support for Moldova

22:06 | 25.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 25 June /MOLDPRES/ - The Moldova-European Union Intergovernmental Conference has started in Luxembourg. In the beginning of the conference, the head of the Belgian diplomacy, Hadja Lahbib, and European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi reaffirmed their support for Moldova on the way of development and integration into EU. For his part, Prime Minister Dorin Recean stressed that ‘’Moldova will make effort, in order to implement the EU Acquis till 2030 and will speed up the process of adoption of the reforms necessary, so as to join EU as quickly as possible.’’    

In the beginning of the meeting, the Belgian diplomacy head, Hadja Lahbib, stressed that this day was a historical one. The official noted that, in all these years, Moldova had continued implementing the provisions of the Association Agreement and carrying out the essential reforms for the country.   

„We will continue to support Moldova for strengthening the resilience to Russia’s hybrid actions. The country is part of Europe. We want to boost the already consolidated relations. EU stays engaged in this process and we appreciate the authorities’ efforts to advance on the European way and to implement the reforms. The Council approved a framework of negotiations, which we will present today. Moldova will have to continue implementing the reforms in justice. The process will be attentively monitored by the Commission and the progress will determine the march of the negotiations. We expect you to join the values promoted by EU,’’ the official said.    

European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi welcomed Moldova’s delegation present at the intergovernmental conference. The  European official highlighted the Moldovan authorities’ determination in the carrying out of the reforms.  

„Today is a special day for you country and EU. Moldova will continue the reforms, in order to strengthen the public institutions and the democracy. An important factor is the liquidation of the corruption. The accession process brings many benefits and opportunities, from which the country can benefit. EU commits to provide the support needed in this complex process,’’ the official noted.   

Prime Minister Dorin Recean said that Moldova would make effort to implement the EU Acquis till 2030 and would speed up the process of adoption of the reforms necessary to join EU as quickly as possible.

„Moldova sees its future in EU and will make the efforts needed to become member of the European Union. We are determined to create the conditions for economic growth and a more prosperous future. Moldova’s position at this conference shows our commitment to adhere to the EU principles and to implement the EU Acquis in such a way, so that we become a competitive EU member at the moment of the accession,’’ Dorin Recean said.   

The Moldovan PM referred to the Russian invasion in Ukraine and the consequences on Moldova, as well as to the hybrid attacks of Russia against Moldova.

„The war launched by Russia created a new reality; therefore, we believe that, in EU, Moldova will be in safety and EU will also be safer with Moldova as its member. We anticipate that Russia will continue the hybrid war through actions of   misinformation, of spreading hatred, destabilizations and triggering crises. With the EU’s help, we have managed to overcome the initial shock. We are determined to maintain peace, to edify a better future. We make this road, first of all, for us, our citizens and our future at home. Our citizens are Europeans. We edify the European Moldova. We plan to implement the EU Acquis till 2030,’’ Dorin Recean stressed.     

The negotiations on Moldova’s accession to the European Union were officially launched at an intergovernmental conference in Luxembourg today. The country’s delegation is led by Prime Minister Dorin Recean. Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration Cristina Gherasimov is present in Luxembourg as chief negotiator in the process of Moldova’s accession to the European Union.    

Following the conference, Moldova and the European Union are to agree on the General Negotiation Position – the document in which Moldova accepts the framework of negotiation proposed by EU and which shows the principles and guidelines established in the framework of negotiation.   








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