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Moldovan PM visits kindergarten in northern Soroca district

10:22 | 14.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 14 June /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean has ended his working visit to the northern Soroca district at the Alunelul kindergarten from the Rublenita commune. As many as 102 children, distributed in five groups, attend the institution, the government’s communication department reported.   

Within the Express European Village programme, the kindergarten benefited from the arrangement of a playground and the institution submitted the file on participation in the European Village – 2 programme for the energy optimization of the building.    

„The projects on renovation, rehabilitation and modernization of the educational infrastructure directly contribute to the improvement of the quality of the teaching process and encourage children to develop and become more creative. The government will allocate, in continuation, financial resources for the good of the next generations,’’ the PM said.  

The Rublenita commune benefited from another project on renovation and extension of the street illumination network through the European Village programme.  





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