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New rules on monitoring audiovisual programmes with electoral character approved in Moldova

18:18 | 14.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 14 June /MOLDPRES/ -The audiovisual programmes with electoral character will be monitored based on new rules. They are included in a Methodology approved by the Audiovisual Council (CA). The new methodology will be used, in order to assess the degree of observance of the legal norms in covering of the elections by the television and sound radio broadcasting services.         

Also, the document will be used as support at establishing the extent to which the audiovisual programmes monitored meet the commitments taken through the declaration of editorial policies of the providers of media services in covering the  elections.  

Thus, according to CA, a string of specific quantitative and qualitative indicators will be used at the assessment of the programmes of news, information and electoral promotion programmes, electoral discussions, programmes of electoral advertising, contents of self-promotion of programmes with electoral character and messages of public interest approved by the Central Electoral Commission.  

The methodology implies the use of monitoring cards and compilation of analytical reports.



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