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President to Italian press: Kremlin trying to undermine our institution-building efforts by bringing dirty money into Moldova to finance destabilizing actions

14:13 | 18.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 18 June /MOLDPRES/- Bordering Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova faces the problem of disinformation and propaganda. Kremlin is trying to undermine the efforts of the Chisinau authorities to strengthen democratic institutions by bringing "dirty" money into Moldova to finance destabilising actions. Moldovan President Maia Sandu made the statement at a joint press conference with Italian President Sergio Mattarella.

Asked by the Italian press to comment on how strong Kremlin's influence is in Moldova, Maia Sandu said Moscow does not respect the choice of Moldovan citizens.

"Unfortunately, Kremlin does not respect Moldovan citizens, does not respect the election of Moldovan citizens. Kremlin wants the Republic of Moldova to remain in a grey zone that it can use for its own interests. Moldovan citizens want to be part of the free world, they want to have the chance to strengthen their democracy and this can be done in the big family of the European Union and Moldovan citizens have the right to choose and build their present and future", said Maia Sandu.

At the same time, the president stressed that Moscow is trying to influence democratic processes in the country, including the presidential elections and the constitutional plebiscite in October.

According to the President, the hybrid war waged by the Russian Federation in the Republic of Moldova is prompting the authorities in Chisinau to make sustained efforts to build a strong state.

"The Republic of Moldova is facing the problem of disinformation and propaganda, but all the more so is our determination to build a strong state, to ensure that our information space is not attacked by Kremlin and we are making these efforts together with our partners because it is not only in the Republic of Moldova that such things happen," Maia Sandu said.

"Moldova is more vulnerable because it is closer and is in the process of transformation, but these problems are also faced by EU member states. And we, together, are trying to learn how we can effectively combat these hybrid attacks and strengthen our democracy and be able to follow our choice," the head of state added.

President of Italy Sergio Mattarella is on an official visit to Moldova today. During the visit, a joint declaration in support of Moldova's accession to the European Union was signed. Maia Sandu and Sergio Mattarella reconfirmed their firm commitment to Ukraine's territorial integrity and independence. "The Republic of Moldova has suffered directly from the dramatic consequences of the conflict", said Mattarella.



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