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European Bank for Reconstruction, Development to grant five million euros for Moldovan railways restructuring

16:23 | 25.03.2016 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 25 March /MOLDPRES/-The parliament today ratified a grant agreement between Moldova and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The document is part of the Moldovan Railways Restructuring Project. The grant is offered by the Neighborhood Investment Facility (NIF).

According to the document, Moldova will receive a five-million-euro loan, "to purchase ten new multi-functional locomotives within the enforcement of the project on the acquisition of locomotives and rehabilitation of the railway infrastructure, for which EBRD had previously offered Moldova 52.5 million euros,” the informative note annexed to the project reads.

The loan will allow the implementation of an energy efficiency programme, which provides for the acquisition of equipment to verify fuel consumption in existing locomotives and offers the opportunity to carry out a real-time analysis of the data base.

The agreement aims to implement railway reforms provided in the agenda of Moldova-EU Association Agreement, as well as in the Strategy for Transports and Logistics for 2013-2022.

(Editor A. Plitoc, Editor L. Alcaza)


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