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Agreement on mutual recognition and conversion of driving licenses between Moldova and Greece signed in Athens

18:53 | 02.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, July 2 /MOLDPRES/- Moldovan-Greek cooperation and expansion of trade and economic relations between Moldova and Greece were among the main issues discussed by Prime Minister Dorin Recean and his Greek counterpart Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the government's communication department has reported.

The talks focused mainly on cooperation in the energy and infrastructure sectors. "The economic and trade ties between Moldova and Greece are growing closer and we want to expand them as much as possible," Recean said.

At the same time, the two officials agreed that a forum of businessmen from the two countries will be organized in Chisinau in the near future. "Greece's experience in the field of reforms and macroeconomic stability is useful for the Republic of Moldova," he said.

Also, an Agreement on mutual recognition and conversion of driving licenses between Moldova and Greece was signed at the meeting. Thus, the documents will be converted without the need to pass a theoretical or practical test, eliminating bureaucratic obstacles for citizens living, working or traveling in the two countries.

In this context, the sides also discussed the possibility of expanding the number of flights between Athens and Chisinau.

Cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and the Hellenic Republic has been steadily developing in recent years. In 2023, the Republic of Moldova purchased about 25% of its natural gas consumption from Greece. The Hellenic Republic ranks 24th among Moldova's main investors in terms of the amount of capital invested.

In 2021, an IGSU team participated in the liquidation of forest fires in Greece. At the same time, an IGSU team of 40 firefighters with five technical units is being prepared for a mission in the Hellenic Republic. It will be held on July 15 - August 15.





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