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Foreign minister says Moldova needs dynamic, pragmatic, result – oriented diplomacy

14:41 | 09.07.2018 Category: Official

Chisinau, 09 July /MOLDPRES/ – Moldova needs a dynamic, pragmatic, results-oriented diplomacy, which has the duty and vocation to work on improving the image of Moldova, to present the internal realities from the perspective of the rule of law, legislation and national interest. The statement was made today by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Tudor Ulianovschi, at the annual meeting of the Moldovan diplomacy, organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (MAEIE) on 09 – 11 July 2018.

Analising performance of the diplomatic missions recently, Minister Tudor Ulianovschi emphasised that the embassies should work to alter Moldova's image as of ex – Soviet state, in other words with a transition identity that persists, and to assert as a state belonging to Western civilisation, part of the European family. "The visibility of Moldova as an associated EU country, affiliation of our country with the European aspirations, desire to promote reforms and consolidate rule of law is of prime importance. The diplomacy must keep the interest for Moldova alive, work to recognise irreversibly its European vocation, regardless of the regional evolutions or geopolitical claims of regional powers," said head of Moldovan diplomacy.

In this context, Minister Ulianovschi highlighted the main foreign policy focus on European integration, bilateral, regional and international dialogues, national security, country integration, training of national diplomatic staff, including the creation of a National Diplomatic Institute, etc.

Referring to the issue of European integration, Minister Tudor Ulianovschi said that this remains an objective of maximum short, medium and long terms, being a red thread of the Moldovan domestic and foreign policy. "It goes without saying that progressing on the path of European integration can not be done in the face of a lack of trust and is a situation that needs to be changed. And this change can not be done only in Brussels. A prodigious activity needs to be developed in the capitals of the member states through punctual contact, permanent and coordinated with the power exponents and influence factors in the accreditation countries in the European space," said head of Moldovan diplomacy.

Minister Ulianovschi also referred to the issue of economic diplomacy, emphasising that each diplomatic mission should set clear targets on trade promotion, attracting investments and to develop a concrete commercial-economic agenda with short, medium and long term objectives. "The commercial-economic objectives promoted by the missions must have the finality and activity in this field should not be transformed into a mechanical force designed to respond to a redundant bureaucratic activity," specified Ulianovschi.

Speaking about the reintegration of the country, the Minister of Foreign Affairs mentioned that in the dialogue with decision – makers in accreditation countries as well as diplomatic corps accredited in these countries, conviction that the settlement of the Transnistrian problem will be achieved exclusively by peaceful political means, on the path of negotiations, and the reintegrated Moldovan state must be a viable and functional one, having as a strategic option for its foreign policy the principle of neutrality and the goal of European integration enshrined in the Constitution.

At the meeting, the Minister of Foreign Affairs referred in particular to the work of each diplomatic mission, as well as to the priorities of Moldova in bilateral dialogue with each state. Referring to relations with our neighbours, Romania and Ukraine, head of Moldovan diplomacy pointed out that they are an absolute priority for achieving the national strategic objectives at external level. "Romania is naturally the most reliable ally of Moldova, sincerely interested in our advancement on the path of European integration, modernisation and stability of our country, and Ukraine, to which we associate common problems and aspirations, is engaged in a good cooperation on border control, settlement of the Transnistrian conflict etc.", said Tudor Ulianovschi.

According to Minister Ulianovschi, Strategic Dialogue Moldova – US must continue to be materialised, main areas of cooperation being strengthening of bilateral political dialogue, intensification of trade and economic relations, capitalisation of US assistance and implementation of democratic and structural reforms.

The elations with Russia, in the opinion of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, must return to a normal course, but this must occur in the natural way of respect for the principles of international law, the UN Charter and the acceptance of Moldova's strategic positions as an actor of the international scene.

"In relations with Russia, there is no alternative but constant dialogue and this must be a coordinated one, based on the national interest of respecting the national sovereignty and the EU integration," said Tudor Ulianovschi. "There must clearly define the country objectives with the UNO, OSCE, UNESCO, OIF, multilateral regional cooperation formations, GUAM, which should become permanent platforms with great visibility for repositioning Moldova in the global and regional system of values," said Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Tudor Ulianovschi.

The annual reunion of Moldovan diplomacy, which is organised after a six-year break, aims at examining issues related to the work of diplomatic missions and increasing their efficiency, implementing foreign policy and setting new tasks and priorities in the short, medium and long terms.

For the purpose of efficiency agenda of event, it includes meetings of the heads of diplomatic missions with Prime Minister Pavel Filip and members of Government (09 July), with participation of representatives of diplomatic missions, Parliament Speaker Adrian Candu (10 July), other chiefs of state institutions.


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