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Moldovan finance minister informs about increase of taxes, removing fiscal facilities

16:20 | 23.07.2019 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 23 July /MOLDPRES/ - Finance Minister Natalia Gavrilita today informed that more taxes would increase and some fiscal exemptions would be removed. The new rules are to be enforced as of 1 January 2020 and were coordinated with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).  

Thus, the exemptions for the gambling and for the public-private partnerships will be cancelled, the meal vouchers will be cancelled, the low ten-percent quota of the value added tax (VAT) for the HoReCa (Hotels Restaurants Café) sector will be removed and the excise duties on the tobacco products will grow. At the same time, the exemptions from taxes on oil products sold in customs control areas will be eliminated.  

Also, the non-taxable sales in duty-free regime will be limited. The parliament has already approved a draft to this effect in the first reading; yet, the authorities speak out for limiting these facilities only for people leaving Moldova by sea or by air.    

„We will remove some consequences of the fiscal amnesty, especially in the fiscal administration, such the ban of fiscal controls for the period before 1 January 2018. This ban will be lifted,” Gavrilita said.  

The minister also informed about the increase in taxes for the environment pollution, including a 50-per cent increase in the tax on plastic.   

Another action sees that the people with a monthly income of 20,000 lei will no longer benefit from personal exemption. At the same time, Natalia Gavrilita gave assurances that the 12-per cent single quota of income tax for private people would remain unchanged.   



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