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Moldovan diplomacy head participates in 130th meeting of Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers

18:27 | 04.11.2020 Category: Official

Chisinau, 4 November /MOLDPRES/ - Foreign Affairs and European Integration Minister Oleg Tulea today participated in the 130th meeting of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers, held in format of videoconference under the auspices of Greece, which holds the organization’s chairmanship, the Foreign Affairs and European Integration Ministry’s (MAEIE) press service has reported.    

In his speech, Minister Oleg Tulea highlighted the celebration of more events this year, among which the 70th anniversary of the European Convention on Human Rights and the 25th anniversary of Moldova’s accession to the Council of Europe – a truthful partner of the country, as well as a guarantor of democracy on the European continent.   

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic and new challenges, the intense cooperation between Moldova and the Council of Europe has continued. The minister emphasized the results of the CoE’s high-level working group on justice reform, with the support of which the concerned strategy and action plan were elaborated and adopted.

Referring to the European Convention on Human Rights, the Moldovan diplomacy head evoked the importance of the process of reform of this treaty and, implicitly, of the obligation of fulfillment of the decisions by the European Court of Human Rights by all state parties, including in cases coming from Moldova’s Transnistrian region.   

On this occasion, Minister Oleg Tulea thanked the Council of Europe for the valuable assistance in the field of promotion of the democratic culture and good governance, provided to Moldova in those 25 years since joining this organization.  

Photo: MAEIE



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