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EU to provide 5million- euro- support for people affected by energy crisis

13:49 | 04.02.2022 Category: Social

Chisinau, Feb. 4 / MOLDPRES /- Forty thousand households will receive one-off financial aid for the cold period of the year starting with February and six thousand households will receive fire materials, as needed. This support is part of a wider package of emergency interventions offered by the European Union for Moldova in response to the energy crisis.

According to the EU, the support is for the elderly, especially those living alone, low-income families and other disadvantaged groups.

The package of interventions, aimed at reducing the effects of the energy crisis on the population, will also involve offering about 20 grants to social service providers and civil society organizations to develop their capacity to provide vulnerable groups with social services. Thus, services such as social canteen will be supported, which will prepare hot lunches for people and families in difficulty. A separate grant will be awarded to a media organization to verify the correct distribution of funds to the population most affected by the crisis.

"The European Union and the entire European Team continue to support the Republic of Moldova and its citizens. This € 5 million project, funded by the EU's Foreign Policy Instruments Service, will provide direct assistance to 133,400 people and support those most affected by the energy crisis. This support complements the assistance provided by the European Union earlier this winter in the form of a budget support of 60 million euros, which allowed the Government to provide subsidies to the population of the Republic of Moldova ", said Jānis Mazeiks, Head of the EU Delegation in Chisinau.

The support from the European Union will be provided within the project Together we support the vulnerable population affected by the energy crisis, implemented by the non-governmental organization People in Need Moldova.


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