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PM visits Moldovan-Turkish theoretical lyceum from Congaz settlement of Gagauzia

18:50 | 21.10.2022 Category: Official

Chisinau, 21 October /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilita, during her working visit to the south Moldova Gagauz-Yeri Autonomous Territorial Unit (UTA Gagauz-Yeri), went to the S. Demirel Moldovan-Turkish Theoretical Lyceum from the Congaz village, where 160 pupils study, the government’s communication and protocol department has reported.     

The institution, founded in 1999, is endowed with a canteen and 2 hostels, one for girls, and another one - for boys. The pupils study the school disciplines in four languages: Romanian, English, Russian and Turkish. Starting from the tenth form, a string of disciplines is taught exclusively in a foreign language. A number of 532 pupils have finished the institutions since 2003 so far.

PM Natalia Gavrilita visited the classrooms and discussed with teachers, pupils and the leadership of the lyceum. The prime minister referred to the latest actions undertaken in the education sector, including the reform of the universities. She stressed the need to modernize the education and training the young generation in line with the exigencies of the labour market.   

Presently, 26 teachers from Moldova and Turkey work at the lyceum and the common values promoted by teachers regard the psychical and emotional development of children, along with their physical development.  

Photo: Government 






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