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First multimodal terminal to be created in Moldova with USAID's support

15:50 | 24.05.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 24 May /MOLDPRES/ - The first multimodal logistic terminal from Moldova will be created at the Beresti-based railway station from the Ungheni municipality. The terminal will ensure the country’s connection to the international transport corridors.      

A meeting of the inter-institutional working group for the implementation of the investment project, Beresti logistic complex, in partnership with the Moldova Institutional and Structural Reforms Activity (MISRA) programme, took place at the headquarters of the Economic Development and Digitalization Ministry. A feasibility study on the development of this infrastructure started.   

The goal of the feasibility study, carried out by an international company in the next months, is to provide the government with a comprehensive picture for the development of the multimodal logistic terminal, which will integrate all types of goods’ carriage: terrestrial, in containers and general goods. Based on this study, the government will be able to identify international investors willing to develop a regional logistic hub in Moldova.    

A state secretary at the Economic Development and Digitalization Ministry, Viorel Garaz, said that the development of a regional logistic hub at Beresti would generate multiple economic opportunities for Moldova, as well as benefits for the neighbour countries. According to the official, the investment in the development of such a logistic complex will be considerable, amounting to several millions of dollars, but the revenues generated by this infrastructure will be significant.      

According to the initial analyses of the possibilities of development of the Beresti-based modal complex, there is no intermodal transport system in Moldova at present.  The main flows of goods from Moldova are the ones which transit from Ukraine to the European Union. In the lack of the concerned infrastructure, Moldova is excluded from the intensity of exchange of goods, being deprived of considerable revenues in the public budget and the partners from the East and West prefer identifying routes avoiding Moldova. The routes of transport through Moldova will become more attractive in the long run, with the development of the logistic infrastructure for the transport of goods of the country.      

According to the Economic Development and Digitalization Ministry, the volume of goods carried through Moldova in the last two years has grown considerably, especially from Ukraine, after the logistic infrastructure of transportation was hit in the wake of the crisis in the region.



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