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Play in memory of departed Moldovan writer to be presented at Licurici Puppet Theatre

15:46 | 29.06.2024 Category: Culture

Chisinau, 28 June /MOLDPRES/ - A play titled, Steaua lui Guguță  (The Star of Guguta) will be presented at the Chisinau-based Licurici Republican Puppet Theatre, in the memory of the departed writer of Moldova, Spiridon Vangheli.

The play will bring together the audience on 30 June at 11:00. The premiere took place in November 2013.  

Contacted by MOLDPRES, the director of the Licurici Puppet Theatre, Ala Toma, said that The Star of Guguta was an interactive musical play, which has at the basis the work by great writer Spiridon Vangheli.   

Writer Spiridon Vangheli died at the age of 92 years on 21 June 2024. Called also Father of Guguta, Vangheli enjoyed special popularity among readers, especially children and their parents.   




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