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President to hold several meetings with Moldovan communities of France, the UK and Ireland

17:27 | 01.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, July 1 /MOLDPRES/- President Maia Sandu said she will pay several working visits abroad the next month. She invited the Moldovan communities of Nice, Dublin and London for talks.

"In the next month I will pay several working visits abroad. Thus, I invite you to talks in London, Dublin and Nice," the head of state wrote.

According to the agenda, the meeting with Nice community will take place on July 27 at 11.00. Moldovans from Ireland are expected in Dublin on July 19 at 18.30, and those from the United Kingdom in London on July 17 - 18.30.

To attend the meetings with the President, citizens are invited to fill in a form and indicate the topics they would like to discuss. 


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