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Moldovan PM inspects construction site of road in Speia village

12:51 | 26.10.2018 Category: Official

Chisinau, 26 October /MOLDPRES/- Prime Minister Pavel Filip inspected today the construction site of Speia village, Anenii Noi district. At present 1,7 km of road is in work, and 2,2 km are to be rehabilitated. To this end, about 30 million lei had been earmarked from the road fund. Filip said he visited Speia village in 2016 and then promised the residents to repair this road, so he insisted personally inspecting the works on the construction site, the government’s communication and protocol department has reported.

“I promised the people of Speia village that we will restore this road until the end of the mandate. It is a rather complicated road, many heavy trucks pass, and every time the repair is attempted it does not last for a long time. Therefore, we came up with a fundamental solution, even if rehabilitation lasts longer, the design is made in such a way that this road will last many years,” he said.

This road is being renovated following modern technology, so as to be resistant to heavy trucks.

The premier said that in the near future the construction works will begin near Delacau village, on a 4 km stretch. The total cost of the works for the construction of the Bulboaca-Delacău road, with a length of 28 km, is estimated at 189 million lei.




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