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Mayor's office of Moldova's nothern district locality finds money to complete water supply project

11:57 | 01.08.2019 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 01 August /MOLDPRES/ – The local authorities (AL) have identified the financial means necessary to complete a drinking water supply project of 15 villages in district Soroca. The mayor of commune Parcani has announced it this week during a meeting at the Northern Regional Development Agency (ADR Nord).

The mayor of Parcani, Serghei Cetulean, stated, during the meeting with representatives of ADR Nord and entrepreneur, that the funds were identified for completion of project: The creation of drinking water supply conditions for inhabitants of 15 villages in Soroca district. According to mayor, it will be carried out the necessary legal procedures on it in upcoming period.

The major objective of the mentioned project is to ensure access to quality water services for approximately 16,000 inhabitants in 15 villages of Soroca district. Also, the project has been aimed to regionalise the water supply and sewerage service in Soroca district by developing the management of existing economic operator, until it is finalised the project.

The total project cost, requested from the National Fund for Regional Development (FNDR), according to the financing request, consists MDL 23,53 mln. For the works executed in 2016 – 2018, from the FNDR, it was used the amount of MDL 17.22 mln.

The National Council for Coordination of Regional Development (CNCDR) has approved allocation of MDL 905,396 for the works to be executed during 2019. However, the additional financial means, identified by AL in commune Parcani, will allow to cover the expenses for project completion.



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