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Head of Moldovan diplomacy to attend OSCE ministerial meeting in Bratislava

09:03 | 05.12.2019 Category: Official

Chisinau, 05 December /MOLDPRES/ – The Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Aureliu Ciocoi, will participate in the work of the 26th yearly meeting of the Ministerial Council of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), on 05 – 06 December, in Bratislava city, Slovakia, the state holding the Presidency – in – Office, the MAEIE’s public diplomacy, strategic communication and media interaction service has reported.

At the meeting, the foreign ministers of the 57 states participating in the OSCE will discuss the developments that have taken place in 2019 in the field of security and will exchange views on current issues on the agenda of organisation on 03 dimensions: politico – military, economic and environmental, and humanitarian. A particular attention will be paid to the prospects for resolving the prolonged conflicts in the OSCE area and the ways to strengthen European security.

The head of the diplomacy from Chisinau will talk about the visions of Moldova on the mentioned issues and will present position of Moldova on the process of solving the Transnistrian issue.

In the margins of the meeting, the working agenda of the Moldovan Foreign Minister also includes a series of ministerial meetings in different forms of cooperation (Organisation for Democracy and Economic Development, European Union + Eastern Partnership), as well as several bilateral meetings with his counterparts from other countries.


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