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Moldovan Constitutional Court declares Russia's loan unconstitutional

22:41 | 07.05.2020 Category: Political

Chisinau, 7 May /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova’s Constitutional Court (CCM) today declared unconstitutional the agreement between the governments of Moldova and Russia on the providing of a financial loan worth 200 million euros to the Moldovan state.    

The CCM session lasted almost ten hours and the deliberations – two hours.

A judge of the Constitutional Court, Eduard Ababei, did not participate in the consideration of this file; the magistrate took exception, as he is relative with Finance Minister Sergiu Puscuta, who is involved in the negotiations with the Russian side.     

At the same time, the parliament’s representative in this file, Vasile Bolea, demanded the challenge of judge Nicolae Rosca, reasoning that he had been a member of the Action and Solidarity Party (PAS). Bolea said that, for this reason, Rosca’s judging might be biased. The demand on Nicolae Rosca’s challenge was not admitted.     

The notifications on checking the constitutionality were submitted by a lawmaker of the parliamentary group Pro Moldova, Sergiu Sirbu, a PAS MP, Sergiu Litvinenco and a lawmaker of the Dignity and Truth Platform, Dinu Plingau.    



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