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Moldova's General Police Inspectorate registers over 130 infringements today

19:01 | 01.11.2020 Category: Social

Chisinau, 1 November /MOLDPRES/ - The leadership of the General Police Inspectorate (IGP) has informed that it registered over 130 alleged infringements during the presidential elections.  

At a news briefing, the IGP deputy head, Marin Maxian, said that law-enforcers had documented 13 cases of blocking roads to polling stations. ‘’Presently, the access to polling stations is ensured and there are no obstacles to citizens’ movement,’’ Maxian said.   

He also said that the number of cases of photographing ballot papers had increased in the afternoon. Also, law-enforcers documented seven notifications on alleged cases of corrupting voters. At the same time, 48 notifications on organized carriage of voters were sent to the police and ten cases of electoral agitation nearby the polling station, 24 notifications on voters’ drunkenness and aggressive behavior, as well as cases of non-observance of measures of preventing the COVID-19 infections were recorded too.  

The IGP chief urged the observers, as well as electoral contenders to directly notify policemen from nearby polling stations where infringements take place.

More than 6,000 Interior Ministry employees are involved in the preservation of public order at the today’s ballot.  



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