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Moldovan authorities planted seedlings under initiative of Turkish president

12:25 | 11.11.2020 Category: Social

Chisinau, 11 November /MOLDPRES/- Chisinau mayor Ion Ceban and Minister of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment Ion Perju participated today in an action of planting seedlings, offered by the Turkish government under the Project Breath for the Future, Breath for the World, an initiative of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

The ecological action took place in Chisinau simultaneously in 30 other partner countries of this project, through which the Turkish authorities want to contribute to creating a green future in the region.

According to Perju, this year, the Moldovan authorities carried out afforestation actions on 20 thousand hectares of land, planting 12 million seedlings.

Ceban said that the municipality joins the initiative of President Erdogan as "the wish of the local authorities is that Chisinau remains the greenest city in Europe."

In this context, 14 million seedlings were planted in Turkey last year. As the campaign had a strong impact around the world, this year it was decided to launch the same campaign worldwide.





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