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Moldovan foreign affairs minister participates in videoconference on accession of Moldova, Ukraine to EU

11:04 | 22.08.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 22 August /MOLDPRES/ - Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Affairs and European Integration Minister Nicu Popescu has participated in a videoconference on the accession of Moldova and Ukraine to the European Union, at an invitation by Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Olha Stefanishina, the Foreign Affairs and European Integration Ministry’s (MAEIE) press service has reported.      

At the same time, the Moldovan official reconfirmed the firm support for the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders. In the context, Minister Nicu Popescu stressed that Moldova would continue providing the Ukrainian friends with every assistance possible, both bilaterally and within international organizations.  

„I emphasized the importance of a close cooperation between Moldova and Ukraine on the subject of accession to EU, including through exchanges of experiences of the staff involved in processes related to the European integration.

Both Moldova and Ukraine have registered significant progress in the implementation of the European Commission’s recommendations. We rely on the fact that they will serve as solid basis for starting the negotiations on accession till the end of this year.  

In the end, I expressed firm confidence that the future of Moldova and Ukraine is in the great European family – an area of freedom, peace and prosperity,’’ Nicu Popescu said.

Photo: MAEIE



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