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Moldova signs Partnership for Security and Defence with EU

17:36 | 21.05.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 21May /MOLDPRES/ - A Partnership for Security and Defence between Moldova sand the European Union was signed in Brussels today. The document was signed by Prime Minister Dorin Recean and European Commission’s Vice President, EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell Fontelles.       

Moldova is the first country to benefit from such a partnership with the European Union.

Defence Minister Anatolie Nosatii welcomed the signing of the Partnership for Security and Defence between Moldova and the European Union. He described the event as ‘’one of the important steps in the context of our country’s commitment of accession to EU.’’    

“We will continue our efforts to this end, so that Moldova becomes a more prosperous and more resistant country to the present challenges,’’ Nosatii noted.  

In the context of the document’s signing, Prime Minister Dorin Recean said that, in this way, Moldova’s aligning with the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy would be enhanced, the assistance to the defence sector would be consolidated through the European Peace Facility and Moldova would actively contribute to the European peace and security.  



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