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Moldovan participants in Chernobyl accident relief works can submit files to receive dwellings

16:12 | 10.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 10 June /MOLDPRES/ - The commission for the delivery of dwellings from the block of flats placed on the Alba Iulia Street 91/3 inform about the starting of the process of reception of documents for the providing of dwellings meant for the participants in the Chernobyl accident relief works.     

The process of reception of the files started in line with the subsection No 28 1) of the Regulation on the way of delivery of the dwellings from the block of flats placed in the Chisinau municipality, Alba Iulia Street 91/3 (hereinafter – Regulation), approved under the Government Decision No 283/2024.  

Thus, during 10 June -24 July 2024, the applicants will submit, personally or through the legal representative, the set of acts provided for in the point 12 of the Regulation, to the secretariat of the Commission, the headquarters of the Labour and Social Protection Ministry from Chisinau, Vasile Alecsandri Street No1, first floor. To facilitate the file’s filling in, the following documents are available for downloading in the Word format:     

– Application submitted to the Commission for the delivery of dwellings
– Declaration on one’s own responsibility
– Agreement for the processing of the personal data

In the case of incomplete files, a period of ten days is established for the filling in with the lacking document/documents.  

The dwellings are passed in private ownership to the participants in the Chernobyl accident relief works or, as case may be, to their families, at request, no matter the settlement where they have their residence.


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