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Moldovan employers urged to declare vacant jobs ate National Employment Agency

21:57 | 17.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 17 June /MOLDPRES/ - The National Employment Agency (ANOFM) urges the employers to declare their vacant jobs, including the ones for people with disabilities. The economic agents can announce the jobs through the ANOFM subdivisions or on the portal     

According to ANOFM, employees can address to the territorial subdivisions for employment, in the area of which they have their legal address or in the area of which the working place is. The informing of the territorial subdivisions about the jobs which remained vacant, including the ones created for disabled people, is made through the submission by the employee of a Form. At the same time, economic agents are urged to inform, in term of three days, about the employment of jobless people.    

Presently, about 10,300 vacant jobs are registered in ANOFM’s database.




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