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Energocom repaid 300 million lei to state budget, closed first instalment of EBRD loan

13:33 | 18.06.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 18 June /MOLDPRES/- Energocom has returned 300 million lei to the state budget from the reduced share capital of the company and closed the first installment of 100 million euros from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) loan.

The repayment of the 300 million lei is provided for in the state budget law, according to which by the end of 2024 the company will organize the procedure for the purchase of 1,300,000 of its own shares. Respectively, by the end of the year, SA Energocom will pay the entire amount of 1.3 billion lei to the state budget in installments.

On 1 December 2023, the company returned another 1 billion lei to the state budget, following a provision of the Commission for Emergency Situations.

"The repayment decisions come in the context of the stabilization of the natural gas market," Energocom said.

Also today, SA Energocom repaid €65 million to the EBRD, closing the first installment of €100 million, after a €35 million transfer was made in May.

The purpose of the EBRD loan is to diversify the sources of natural gas purchases and create strategic stocks. The first two installments of the loan, totalling €300 million, have been closed, with instalment 3, amounting to €165 million, remaining active. 


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