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Moldovan PM visits Laro Migdale business in Stefan Voda

18:34 | 22.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, June 22 /MOLDPRES/- Visiting Stefan Voda, Prime Minister Dorin Recean visited an almond business - Laro Migdale. The almond orchard covers 35 hectares and is developed by Renat and Oxana Lebedev.

The orchard was planted in 2007, and now the company has a wide assortment of products - flour, almond flakes, cold-pressed oil - delivered to most bakeries and chain stores in the country.

Business development has been supported by several government programs: PARE 1+1, the program to promote the participation of economic agents in fairs and exhibitions, subsidies offered by the Agency for Intervention and Payments for Agriculture, as well as Livada Moldovei program.

Recean discussed with entrepreneurs the current opportunities that could help them grow their business, mentioning the advantages of the 373 Program, as well as the enhancement of export capacities and the use of foreign markets.

The business owners are proud that over the years they have helped educate consumers by promoting a product that is good for their health. In recent years, the entrepreneurs have diversified their activities, and have planted an intensive cherry orchard on an area of 5 hectares. They have also already started building a tourist hostel.






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