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Moldovan president: Today we mark two years since we obtained status of candidate country for EU membership

10:19 | 24.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, June 23 /MOLDPRES/- "Today we mark two years since we obtained the status of candidate country for EU membership - two years of hard work in order to be able to launch accession negotiations." President Maia Sandu made the statements in a post on her page.

"Every day we work for our national goal - to prepare the Republic of Moldova for accession by 2030," Sandu wrote.

The president also published a video clip showing footage of the signing of our country's application for EU membership, footage of the first questionnaire sent to the EU, the achievement of candidate country status, the European Moldova Assembly, the European Political Community summit, the opening of EU accession negotiations, the start of screening and the signing of the decree on the opening of the Moldova-EU accession negotiations. The video ends with a message from our country's chief negotiator Cristina Gherasimov.

The European Union officially opens accession negotiations with Moldova and Ukraine. On June 25, the Belgian EU presidency will convene the first intergovernmental conferences with the two countries.

The European Council decided at summit on December 14, 2023 to start accession negotiations with the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. The decision was taken after both countries applied for EU membership and were granted candidate country status two years ago.




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