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Moldovan president says embroidered peasant blouse should be worn with confidence, happiness

20:57 | 24.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 24 June /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu has come up with a message on the Day of Embroidered Peasant Blouse – the traditional Romanian peasant blouse. The head of state informed that today she had met a group of women who actively promote the national costume and urged the Moldovans to ‘’wear the peasant blouse with confidence and happiness.’’    

„The peasant blouse is not a mere cloth for our women; embroidered scrupulously and with patience from old times, it is a symbol which protects from dangers, brings prosperity, health and long life to the woman who wears it. Each colour chosen, each sign embroidered is full with hidden meanings, signifying the person’s relation with the universe, his/her aspirations and the power to overcome the evil things. Each embroidered peasant blouse has its unique story. Generations of women of our nation have sewn on embroidered peasant blouses, thread by thread, the birth, life and death, water and sun, the fruits of the earth,’’ the Moldovan president said.         

The head of state noted that she had met a group of women who actively promoted the national costume at the Presidency’s headquarters today. ‘’Either they are in Moldova, in Romania or in the Diaspora, these women embroider on peasant blouses their longing, dreams, hope and fulfilment. The tradition of the traditional blouse with embroidery on the shoulder now witnesses a revival due to the energy and enthusiasm of our women masters, who are members of an ever bigger community of creators of the traditional blouses with embroidery on the shoulder from the Romanian area. Due to the efforts of this community, in December 2022, UNESCO introduced the art of the traditional blouse with embroidery on the shoulder in the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Humanity. We should wear the embroidered peasant blouse with confidence and happiness!’’ Maia Sandu added.       

Starting 2013, the Day of Embroidered Peasant Blouse has been annually marked on 24 June. This holiday is presently marked in over 60 countries and 130 settlements. The event entered the annual schedule of museums and cultural institutions of Moldova and from abroad, being marked both by Romania’s embassies and the diplomatic missions in Romania.     







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