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Moldovan PM, minister of foreign affairs and foreign trade of Luxembourg discuss bilateral partnership

15:30 | 25.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 25 June /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean today had a meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Luxembourg Xavier Bettel. The dialogue was focused on the present stage of the cooperation between the two countries and the way the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg can further support Moldova’s European integration, according to a press release by the government.     

PM Dorin Recean expressed gratitude for the support provided by Luxembourg for Moldova’s European integration path. As for the consolidation of the bilateral partnership, the prime minister put emphasis on the commercial and economic component, as well as on the efforts of diversification of the cooperation in the following sectors: domestic affairs, labour and social protection, environmental protection. ‘’We want to take over the best experiences and practices in the sectors in which Luxembourg has a vaster expertise,’’ the Moldovan prime minister said.        

Thus, the officials identified possibilities of extending the cooperation in the green energy field, as well as in the financial and banking sector, in order to align with the international standards in the field. To fulfill the initiatives and attract new investors into the national economy, the sides stressed the intention to organize a Moldovan-Luxembourg forum of business people this year.

Xavier Bettel encouraged the carrying out, step by step, of the agenda of reforms and gave assurances that Luxembourg would further support Moldova’s modernization and the improvement of the citizens’ living standards.   

At the end of the meeting, Deputy PM, Foreign Affairs Minister Mihai Popsoi and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Luxembourg Xavier Bettel signed a protocol on the updating of the Agreement on the avoidance of the double taxation, which improves Moldova’s investment environment and will boost the bilateral commercial and economic relations.   





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