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Prosecutor, mayor run risk of being suspended from office in Moldova

00:34 | 26.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 26 June /MOLDPRES/ - A prosecutor and mayor run the risk of being suspended from office, after the National Integrity Authority (ANI) issued a damage inspection report against them. In the case of the prosecutor, ANI found out an unjustified wealth exceeding 800,000 lei and in the one of the mayor, the Authority found out that he was in a conflict of interests, as he employed his son as manager.    

On 25 June, ANI said that it had issued an a damage inspection report against a prosecutor, thereby establishing a substantial difference, worth 854,785 lei, between the wealth acquired, the incomes got and the expenses made by him and his family members, as well as the unjustified character of the holding of this wealth for the period 1 August 2016 – 26 May 2013.    

ANI informed that it would submit the case to court for consideration, for the instruction of the confiscation of the unjustified wealth in a size of the substantial difference found out.  

Also, under another damage inspection report, ANI established the infringement of the legal regime of the conflict of interests as to a mayor. The mayor’s personal interest comes from his relation with the legal entity the founder of which he is and his son is manager of this entity.   

The people subjected to control run the risk of ceasing their mandates, the labour or the employment relationships. The subjects of the control run the risk of being deprived of the right to exercise a public office for a period of three years, with the recording in the state Register of people who are banned from holding a public office.   



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