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European Village programme // Residents from two villages of north Moldova village have access to drinking water

21:19 | 27.06.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 27 June /MOLDPRES/ - About 3,000 residents of the Chipesca and Gauzeni villages from the northern Soldanesti district have access to drinking water, due to initiatives financially backed by the governments of  Moldova and Romania. The mayoralties of the two settlements implemented projects for the construction of water and sewerage supply systems, within the European Village National Programme, edition I.     

Thus, 630 households from Chipesca with over 1,560 people benefit from access to a modern water system, after the construction of six km of aqueduct, a modern water-purifying station and the setting of two water towers with a capacity of 50 cubic metres each.    

According to the National Office of Regional and Local Development (ONDRL), the project has an overall value of almost 10.6 million lei, of which about 4 million lei was allocated by the Moldovan government through the National Fund for Regional and Local Development (FNDRL) and the government of Romania contributed over 6.6 million lei.

At the same time, over 6.6 km of aqueduct networks, a modern water-purifying station was constructed and a water tower with a capacity of 50 cubic metres was set in the Gauzeni village. Now, 1,330 residents (over 400 households) have access to running drinking water. A number of 270 households and four public institutions, such as the kindergarten, gymnasium, the office of family physicians and the church of the settlement, have been already connected to the centralized aqueduct.   

The project had an overall value of about 10 million lei, of which over 7.1 million lei was allocated by Romania’s government and the Moldovan government provided over 1.7 million lei through FNDRL. At the same time, the community from Gauzeni came with a contribution of over 1.2 million lei.  

ONDRL said that the two initiatives had been co-financed within the Agreement between the governments of Romania and Moldova on the implementation of the programme on technical and financial assistance, based on a non-refundable financial assistance worth 100 million euros, provided by Romania to Moldova.  










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