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European Village programme//Residents of two north Moldova settlements have access to quality drinking water

21:57 | 27.06.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 27 June /MOLDPRES/ - The residents of the Volovita village, Soroca district and Horodiste, Donduseni district, both north Moldova,  will have access to quality drinking water. More kilometers of aqueduct were constructed in the two settlements and the citizens will no longer face the problem of acute lack of water, felt especially in summer. The projects were implemented through the European Village National Programme, with the financial support of the governments of Moldova and Romania. The investment exceeds 10.9 million lei.  

„We continue connecting the country’s settlements to water supply. In the Volovita commune, 16 km of aqueduct were built, which provide water to about 1,300 residents. Also here, two water towers were set and a station for treatment of drinking water was constructed. Also, those seven public institutions, as well as 13 local economic agents have access to the water supply network. Also, the summer camp, where over 260 children have leisure, is provided with qualitative running drinking water,’’ Infrastructure and Regional Development Minister Andrei Spinu said.    

The overall investment in the project from Volovita was of a bit more than 8.1 million lei and the financial contribution of Romania’s government exceeded 6.9 million lei. The Moldovan government allocated about 1.1 million lei through the National Fund for Regional and Local Development and the local public administration contributed 76,000 lei.   

A similar project was implemented also in the Horodiste village, Donduseni district. It included the construction of over 5.4 km of aqueduct in the settlement and the setting of a water tower with a capacity of 50 cubic metres.  

As a result, 310 households, where about 500 people live, presently benefit from qualitative water provided through aqueduct. Besides, the project comprised also works on rehabilitation of road segments affected during the construction. Following the extension of the water supply networks in the Horodiste village, 509 households have access to the centralize system of supply with drinking water, where about 800 residents live, including four social objects and two economic agents.    

The total value of the project in Horodiste was of over 2.8 million lei, of which 2.1 million lei was allocated by the Moldovan government through the National Fund Regional and Local Development and almost 674,000 lei represents the contribution of Romania’s government.   

The National Office of Regional and Local Development informed that both projects were co-financed within the Agreement between the governments of Romania and Moldova, part of the Programme on Technical and Financial Assistance, which includes non-refundable financial assistance of 100 million euro, provided by the Romanian government.    

Thirty three projects worth de 6,049,717.19 euros, the equivalent of 117 million lei, have been implemented so far within the European Village National Programme, edition I, with the financial support of Romania’s government.    








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