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Green Transition 4.0 // Moldovan energy minister says decarbonization of heating, stocking of energy solutions to green transition

20:00 | 27.06.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 27 June /MOLDPRES/ - The de-carbonization of heating and the stocking of energy are the solutions to the green transition. Energy Minister Victor Parlicov has conveyed a message to this effect at the Green Transition Forum 4.0, held in Sofia, Bulgaria on the last days. At the same time, the official emphasized  the need to invest in the energy infrastructure, which would contribute to the consolidation of the energy security, as well as to a better work of the market.      

Victor Parlicov referred, first of all, to the present situation in the thermal energy sector, stressing the need of its de-carbonization. ‘’When we talk about the green transition, the emphasis is put on the promotion of the renewable energy. Yet, if we realistically look at the way the energy is used, as well as at the structure of consumption, in fact, we notice that the electric energy represents a relatively small share of the consumption in Moldova. In our country, only 13 per cent belong to the electric energy, while about 50 per cent of the energy is in the heating sector. Namely here, we should think well and discuss this subject through the light of the green transition. We must focus our efforts on the de-carbonization of heating. How can we de-carbonize this sector?  We have 64 per cent of the dwellings which use wood as the main source of heating. We must find a solution for these people too, as well as think well about the de-carbonization of the residential sector,’’ the minister said.          

Victor Parlicov reiterated the importance of the concerns for stocking energy, in the context of the extremely difficult situation in Ukraine. ‘’If we learn how to stock the heating, we can become more flexible as regards the stocking of electricity. Because of the uninterrupted bombardments, Ukraine lost most of the capacities of generation of electric energy. This fact might prompt people to leave even the big cities and might trigger a new wave of refugees; the people will simply leave, if they do not have electric energy,’’ Victor Parlicov said.     

In this respect, the minister stressed the necessity to invest in the energy infrastructure, which would contribute to the consolidation of the energy security, as well as to a better functionality of the market.  

„We have noticed that almost everybody tends to become exporter of green energy, as almost in each country, the production of green energy is much larger than the consumption capacity and here the need appears to invest in infrastructure and the stocking has become an important concern. In the countries with functional energy markets, the stocking already intervenes even with technologies which are still quite expensive, but the stocking becomes a priority and an opportunity for the business environment,’’ the minister said.  

The Green Transition Forum 4.0 is a major international event, which discusses the common priorities on the European agenda of the green transition, as well as provided new and innovative possibilities for the protection of the environment. Over 170 speakers, leaders, opinion makers and experts in the energy and climate field from over 18 countries were invited to the Forum. They discuss more subjects, focused on the sustainable development, innovations from the green economy, energy transformation, smart agriculture and fight against the climate changes.    





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