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Ombudsman: over 1,000 notifications on infringement of human rights registered in Moldova in 2023

20:33 | 27.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 27 June /MOLDPRES/ - The office of the Ombudsman has registered 1,043 applications on the infringement of human rights. Most of them, 804, were submitted to the Ombudsman and the rest – to the ombudsperson for the rights of the child. The things are contained in the Report on the observance of the human rights and freedoms in Moldova in 2023, heard by the lawmakers at the today’s plenary meeting.   

The report was unveiled in the parliament’s plenum by Ombudsman Ceslav Panico and the ombudsman for the rights of the child, Vasile Coroi.   

According to the report, 34 per cent of the notifications submitted to the ombudsman were accepted. The report regards the right to a fair trial, healthcare, labour and protection of labour, as well as to assistance and social protection. In 61 of the cases, the infringement of the human rights and freedoms was found out, the report reads.   

The document also presents data of a Study of perceptions on the observance of the human rights in Moldova, which shows the situation in different sectors. The data shows that the perception the right to the highest health standard exceeded 52 per cent, as compared with 20.9 per cent, recorded in 2016.   

The level of perception to the observance of the right to a fair trial, grew from 13 to 38 per cent. Progress was made also in the field of observance of the right to social assistance and protection, which reached almost 45 per cent. Also, the level of the perception of the right to labour and labour protection tripled and exceeded 60 per cent against. The report also contains data about the observance of human rights on the left bank of Dniester and the general situation as regards the prevention of torture, as well as the situation of the people detained in the penitentiary institutions or detained by the police.      

The situation concerning the observance of the rights of the child was presented at the today’s parliament meeting. The ombudsman for the rights of the child, Vasile Coroi, said that, among the most problematic aspects identified in 2023, there were the poverty, availability of services of support for children at risk, providing of services meant for children with deviating behavior and the protection of the minors against any form of violence.    

Following the hearing of the ombudsman’s report, the MPs recommended the monitoring of the implementation of the legislation in the field and the involvement in the improvement of the mechanisms of defence of the human rights and freedoms. At the same time, the lawmakers recommend that the parliament’s standing commissions hold public hearings on the subjects tackled in the report of the ombudsman concerning the human rights and freedoms and carry out the parliamentary control on the systemic problems in the field.




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