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Sixty seven graduates of Moldova's Alexandru cel Bun Military Academy receive rank of lieutenant at solemn ceremony

15:28 | 29.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 29 June /MOLDPRES/ - The National Army will be completed with 67 young people graduated of the Alexandru cel Bun Military Academy. At a festive ceremony, the young people today received the degree diplomas and the primary rank of lieutenant. Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu congratulated the graduates of the Military Academy, noting that ‘’a new chapter opens for them – to serve the country with dignity and honour.’’  

Attending the festive ceremony, held on the Square of the Triumph Arch, were Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu, the leadership of the Defence Ministry and the General Staff, the corps of military attaches accredited for Moldova, as well as the relatives of the young lieutenants.   

The young graduates of the Military Academy will have the noble mission to defend the sovereignty, integrity and independence of Moldova. ‘’You should know that you are not alone on this way; you enjoy, first of all, the support of the home relatives, of teachers, our support of those from the parliament, from the government, the presidency and together we will do our utmost to create conditions necessary, so that you can fulfill your mission in the best conditions,’’ Igor Grosu said.     

Defence Minister Anatolie Nosatii said that this event had a special significance, as it is a moment of recognition of the performances achieved during the three years of education, as well as a new beginning for these young men and women. ‘’I am sure that you will be quite good and will be able to fulfill the job tasks at the highest level. And this because you are part of a generation which proves that it knows, wants and is able to record performances, reach new peaks of success and contribute to the development of the National Army, with innovative ideas and initiatives,’’ the defence minister said.       

At the same time, the official also said that one of the goals set is to edify a modern, European army, capable to fulfill the constitutional tasks and resilient to the present challenges.  

At the festive ceremony, three eminent graduates of the 2024 Series received a certificate of appreciation and a special sign of the defence minister.   

The 30th Series of graduates has 67 graduates men and women. They studied at three specialties: leadership of subunits of infantry, artillery and transmission. The institution’s graduates are employed in military service under contract at military units of the National Army.









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