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Maia Sandu says two thirds of Moldova's citizens vote for change on 1 November

17:18 | 02.11.2020 Category: Political

Chisinau, 2 November /MOLDPRES/ - Two thirds of Moldova’s citizens on 1 November voted for change and there will be more of them on 15 November, when the runoff will be organized. The candidate of the Action and Solidarity Party (PAS), Maia Sandu, today made statements to this effect, after the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) had announced the preliminary data. Also today, another three electoral candidates informed that they would back Sandu in the runoff.    

The PAS leader thanked the electors who came to vote and showed confidence that she would be supported in the runoff. ‘’On 1 November, the people won in Moldova. They proved that our country can unite against theft and lawlessness, that Moldova can unite to defy the evil. We have two weeks to make this change possible,’’ Sandu said.     

So far, the former electoral contenders, Andrei Nastase, Octavian Ticu and Dorin Chirtoaca have informed that they would support Maia Sandu in the runoff and urged their electors to come to vote.

Renato Usatii, who is on the third position in the voters’ preferences, and Violeta Ivanov, who ranks fourth, have not announced whom they would back in the runoff. The candidate of the Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM), Tudor Deliu, has not informed about it either.    

CEC’s preliminary data shows that 1,364,597 voters participated in the 1 November 2020 elections. None of the eight candidates registered in the race managed to get 51 per cent of the votes and thus, the runoff will be held in two weeks. So, the candidate of the Action and Solidarity Party, Maia Sandu, and independent candidate Igor Dodon will compete for the position of head of state on 15 November.   



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