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Moldovan electoral body's members, foreign affairs ministry's representatives discuss organization of presidential elections' runoff

15:30 | 05.11.2020 Category: Political

Chisinau, 5 November /MOLDPRES/ - The members of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) today had a meeting with representatives of the Foreign Affairs and European Integration Ministry (MAEIE). The sides made a retrospective of the actions of organizing the presidential elections and identified solutions to a better carrying out of the runoff, due on 15 November.  

According to CEC’s data, in line with the provisions of the electoral legislation, the runoff is organized and held in the same conditions as the first round of the polls (with the same electoral councils and bureaus, based on the same electoral lists).  

“Being aware of the fact that a higher presence at the voting might be recorded in the Diaspora in the runoff than in the first round of the elections on 1 November, CEC at a 4 November meeting ruled to increase the number of ballot papers for some polling stations from abroad, as well as to complete the electoral bureaus with new civil servants. At the same time, following an assessment of the electoral logistic, the polling stations which registered a large number of voters in the first round of the polls will be additionally endowed with voting boxes and booths,’’ reads a press release issued by CEC.     

The electoral body said that, for a better organization of the voting and providing access to voters, some polling stations will change their address and the decisions taken to this effect will be brought to public’s knowledge.  

The citizens with right to vote from Moldova, who are abroad on the day when the runoff of the ballot is to be organized, will be able to exercise their right to vote at one of those 139 polling stations due to be opened outside the country.  

Photo: CEC





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