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Moldovan PM has meeting with European Commissioner for Justice

17:59 | 03.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 3 June /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean has had a meeting with European Commissioner for Justice Didier Reynders. The officials referred to the justice reform, the anticorruption policies promoted by the authorities and the hybrid attacks faced by Moldova, the government’s communication department has reported.   

Prime Minister Dorin Recean said that the justice reform was the most difficult one, as well as fundamental for making progress on all other dimensions. Presently, the authorities are focused on the exercise of evaluating the integrity of the judges and prosecutors, combating corruption and transposition of the European legislation on the justice segment.   

„Our goal is to enhance the capacities of all actors in the system, to increase the efficiency of the national courts, to advance with the optimization of the map of law courts and to digitalize the processes in the justice sector. The ensuring of the supremacy of law is essential for all citizens, business people and to enhance the country’s investment attractiveness,’’ PM Dorin Recean said. 

In the context, the European Commissioner for Justice congratulated the authorities on the finishing of the procedure of selection of a new prosecutor general. Didier Reynders gave assurances about his personal support and expertise of the European Union in the justice reformation process.    

The two officials discussed also the need that all European states consolidate the  efforts in the fight with the Russian propaganda and influence, particularly on the electoral periods.   






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