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European Commission president says EU stands at threshold of significant, transformative moment for Moldova, Ukraine

14:47 | 25.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 25 June /MOLDPRES/ - European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen welcomes the official opening of the negotiations on accession to EU for Moldova and Ukraine. The EU official appreciates the efforts made by the two states on the European integration path and gives assurances that the European institutions would be open for the carrying out of this process.      

Ursula von der Leyen stressed that EU had always been more than a political and economic union; it is a ‘’a testament to our collective aspiration for peace, for security, for democracy and for prosperity.’’     

„It is very good news that the European Union today opens the accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova. We stand at the threshold of a significant and transformative moment for these two countries and for our Union. And we celebrate the values and principles that bind us together. The European Union has always been more than a political and economic Union. It is a testament to our collective aspiration for peace, for security, for democracy and for prosperity. The people of Ukraine and Moldova have demonstrated their unwavering commitment and determination to be part of this project. Even in a time of war and turmoil, they have started extensive reforms. They know that their journey will be rigorous and demanding. Accession negotiations are designed to prepare the candidates for the responsibilities of membership and this is why there are no shortcuts. We embark on these negotiations in a strong spirit of openness, engagement and commitment. The path ahead will be challenging, but it is also filled with immense opportunities for Moldova and Ukraine, as well as for our entire Union. Together, we can forge a larger, more dynamic and forward-looking Europe. So, I wish a very successful start of the accession negotiations,’’ European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said.         

Moldova and Ukraine on 25 June start the negotiations on accession to the European Union. They will be officially launched at an intergovernmental conference due to held in Luxembourg today. Prime Minister Dorin Recean leads Moldova’s delegation at the meeting.  

On 7 June, the European Commission found out that Moldova and Ukraine had fulfilled the conditions for starting the negotiations on accession to the European Union. 




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