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European Village programme in Moldova//New sewerage network constructed in central district with Romania's financial support

20:45 | 25.06.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 25 June /MOLDPRES/ - Over 1,000 residents from the Telenesti town and the Mihalasa village benefit from centralized sewerage services through the European Village National Programme. The project was carried out with the financial support of the governments of Moldova and Romania.     

The project included the construction of a new sewerage network with an overall   length of 5.45 km and of a station of pumping residual waters. Due to this initiative on local development, carried out within the European Village National Programme, 450 households got access to centralized sewerage services. Also, 12 economic agents and 11 peasant farms have access to the system.  

The project will also generate new jobs. At the first stage, 10 local residents will be employed in serving the maintenance of the sewerage network.  

Thus, the total investment stands at about 9.86 million lei, of which 6.65 million lei was allocated by Moldova’s government, through the National Fund for Regional and Local Development.   

Also, the Romanian government provided over 117 million lei for the implementation of 32 projects on the modernization of water and sewerage supply networks in 34 settlements of Moldova, within a wider effort of bilateral cooperation. The financial assistance is provided based on the Agreement between the governments of Moldova and Romania, which provides for a non-refundable support worth 100 million euros on behalf of Romania for Moldova.   








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