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Moldovan PM has meeting with Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg

19:08 | 25.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 25 June /MOLDPRES/ - The European integration way of Moldova and the importance of the support the country is receiving on behalf of the European partners have been among the subjects tackled at a meeting of Prime Minister Dorin Recean with His Royal Highness Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, in the context of the holding of the first Moldova-European Union Intergovernmental Conference, the government’s communication department reported.       

The PM said that Luxembourg served as example of flourishing  for Moldova, noting the wish to deepen the bilateral relations in more sectors, as well as to turn to good account the opportunities provided by Moldova.  

„Luxembourg is a safe and close partner of our country. Even if we are in different parts of Europe, we have many things in common and Luxembourg must be a model of development for Moldova,’’ the prime minister said.    

The interlocutors also discussed the support provided to Ukraine and the benefits of the humanitarian projects implemented in the region.






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