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List of substances allowed for use in organic production to be approved by agriculture ministry, not by government

15:15 | 27.06.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 27 June /MOLDPRES/- The list of products and substances allowed for use in organic production will be approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry and not by the government as it was previously. A draft law to this effect was adopted in the second reading by parliament.

Previously, this list was approved by government decision, which had to be amended annually in line with EU amendments and regulations.

The document also proposes a transition period for both organic operators and control bodies to comply with the requirements of the Law on organic production and eco-labeling, adopted in 2023, as well as the provisions of the implementing regulations.

The draft amendment to the law will enter into force upon the publication in the Official Journal of the Republic of Moldova.


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