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PHOTO Peace Shield 2024 // Moldovan servicemen hold last practical exercises

20:52 | 27.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 27 June /MOLDPRES/ - The servicemen participants in the Peace Shield 2024 multinational exercise today carried out practical actions on the Distinguished Visitors Day. Attending the event were the commandant of the National Army, Eduard Ohladciuc, the head of the Romanian Army’s General Staff, Gheorghita Vlad, the commandant of the General Inspectorate of Carabineers, Dumitru Scurtu, military attaches, as well as international evaluators.     

The commandant of the National Army congratulated the military on the level of training. ‘’The actions of the exercise got a high appreciation for the way of cooperation with the international partners and experts, for the level of preparation of the Moldovan peacekeepers, as well as for the way of evaluation of the military in accordance with the Operational Capabilities Concept (OCC). The today’s performance does not represent only an exercise of training the National Army’s strength, but also a test of verifying the level of preparation of our subunits in line with the international standards,’’ Ohladciuc said.     

According to the scenario, the servicemen made shootings from the weapons provided and held exercises of training on the ground.  

The Peace Shield 2024 ends on 28 June and its goal is to assess the Blue Helmets Peacekeeping Battalion 22, in accordance with the Operational Capabilities Concept.  





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