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CSM plenum failed to elect president today

11:28 | 28.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 28 June /MOLDPRES/- The plenum of the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) failed to elect a president at today's session. Ion Guzun and Vasile Șchiopu, the two candidates for the post of CSM president have withdrawn from the contest.

Ion Guzun and Vasile Schiopu said they offer this opportunity to other members of the CSM, without explaining why they withdrew from the contest.

The CSM Plenum decided to consider the matter on July 1.

Also today, Vasile Gribincea, appointed as a judge at the Supreme Court of Justice, was sworn in.

The CSM will also examine today the applications of the 11 judges who are repeatedly requesting to be appointed until they reach the age limit.

Six other candidates are reapplying for appointment as judges.



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