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Moldovan customs officer caught with bribe, his accomplice under preventive arrest

19:30 | 28.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 28 June /MOLDPRES/ - The Balti Court, at a request by prosecutors, today instructed preventive arrest for 30 days for a customs office caught with bribe at the Sculeni customs checkpoint, as well as for his accomplice. A resident of the Moldovan capital, suspected of influence peddling, was also arrested for 30 days.  

According to the National Anticorruption Centre (CNA), the customs employee, as well as his accomplice is regarded in a case of bribery worth over 10,000 euros, claimed from a carrier of parcels, in order to allow the free passage of a consignment of smuggled goods through the aforementioned customs checkpoint.   

Today, judges of the Chisinau Court, Ciocana headquarters, considered an approach by prosecutors on the preventive arrest of the man for 30 days, detained by CNA officers in the file on the bribe worth over 1,000,000 lei.  

The person is charged with influence peddling and is prosecuted for the claiming of 35,000 euros in one case and 25,000 euros in another case for a promise to settle a file on fiscal evasion and facilitate the getting of several permissive acts for a ground from Chisinau.  
The magistrates’ conclusions can be appealed in the term provided for by the law.



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